Thursday, September 30, 2010

And that my friends, concludes PILGRIM; no higher ending than Sarah McLachlan.
for future entries:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There is a PATH of LIGHT

No matter how persistent the darkness
it is only illusive, seeking to cover, to hide
to obscure the TRUTH

I speak of this not from the heights
of some POLYANNA vision
but from the depths of darkness, itself

Yes, i am resisting inferior influences
yet even in the midst of their grip
i know the TRUTH
and therein the battle is won

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I am finally accessing my unconscious
it started out as dreams
but now i can "play thoz dreams" at will

sometimes bizarre, sometimes frightful
but always suggestive of other worldly dimensions
just as real, substantial as the "eight track" of our customary consciousness

i am only at the beginning
have no idea where this will lead
if anywhere
but strongly suggestive of no thot, no agenda

only no mind can sustain

just the thot, un-nerves me

but that may be what is called for, rather

Boundless and Free is Un-Thinkable...
from the depths of the PRIMORDIAL SELF

he was always "giving me lessons"
one instance, i undertook the texturing
of 600 lbs of "mud" on walls and ceilings
(to be followed by painting)

my shldrs didn't recover for 3 months

i thot it would be a good selling point
for the new houses
the German builder was of a different opinion

of course, Opaw "supported" me
the great smearing with a long-nap roller was an undertaking

after 3 houses so smeared
i fell ill, barely culd stand
but Christmas was around the corner
and the children were expecting Santa Claus
albeit, not one covered in mud

It was some time before i appreciated
the value of that lesson
not until i i became acquainted with the I CHING Prrinciple of

slow learner is a euphemism

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

too often we fall into a trap
a quandary
whether to do this or that
which only begs the question

while the real nemesis lurks in the background
the shadows, unidentified

whatever is done must proceed from the strength
herein lies the real battleground
herein lies victory or defeat

all that is right and good emanates from this moment
from the depths of our Primal Being
not as a consequence of strategy, this followed by that
devised by the ever-deceitful ego
but as result of STRENGTH OF CHARACTER

Saturday, September 4, 2010

that which appears in your PATH
is meant to LEAD
its presence is not random


Friday, September 3, 2010


We drive till dark, pull over
your head on my shoulder
the hum of traffic going by
lights flashing, sweeping us away
silently we drift entering the dream-world
traversing regions unknown
together, hand-in-hand, dreamers
running, tripping in a down-under land
waking on sun's piercing rays
to a reality fabricated
from images lying dormant in time

Anyone for a road fairs

am i dreaming?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I saw the look again
caught it in your eye
just a flash, a moment gone bye
but, you can't hide what's in your soul
you can't deny that over which
you have no control
when you are loved by someone
deep and true
when your hearts connect, merge
its really not up to you
anyway, I love you
beyond all time, beyond all rules
I love you
because I've seen your soul looking out at me
 when it gathered itself in your eyes

the clouds move past the sun
as if it were standing still

and perfectly positioned at tree top level

such a occasion speaks volumes
I find myself as if an ancient astrologer
keeping track of the movement of the stars

Sunday, August 29, 2010

a spreading OAK
surrounded within an ancient stone enclosure
THE 300 yr OAK silently proclaims a presence
alien to its environment

Thursday, August 26, 2010

In as much as desire is the culprit
I limit my desire
to this moment

may this moment extend
irrevocable, unhindered

this moment forever

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Ye are Sacred unto me
tho you know it not
I have loved you
from our Father's (God) heart

and yet, I have failed you, as well
tho what is meant from the beginning of Time
from Heaven itself, shall not, cannot fail

My love for you is true
deep, eternal

Sunday, July 25, 2010

the doves cooing outside
my window
a gentle rain
the Benedictine monks chanting in the background
accompanied by the hypnotic hum of the fan

what riches am i missing

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sarah Mc Lachlan

Spend all your time
for that second chance for a break that would make it okay
There's always some
to feel not good enough and
its hard at the end of the day

I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seep from my veins

Let me be empty
and weightless and
I'll find some Peace tonight
In the Arms of the Angel
Fly away from here
from this dark cold
hotel room and the endless that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie you're in the Arms of the Angel
may you find some comfort here
so tired of the straight life
and every where you turn
there's vultures and thieves at your back
and the storm keeps twisting
you keep on building the lies
that you keep making up for all that you lack

It don't make no difference escaping one last time
its easier to believe in
in this sweet madness, oh
this glorious release
that brings me to my knees

In the Arms of the Angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endless that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you're in the Arms of the Angel
May you find some comfort here

You're in the Arms of the Angel
may you find some comfort here

Friday, July 9, 2010

coiled beneath me
i slept upon the chains of my oppression

what better way to know their windings
and loosening
once one knows the bonds of his oppression
are of his own makings
a Path will become visible which leads to deliverance
i know that which imprisons me
are the restrictions of consciousness

the kinks in my armor
become the means to my release
to know that which binds is also that which frees
is Liberation

Thursday, July 8, 2010

we walk the same trail
you and i
drawn by the same forces
pay homage to the same gods

shall we meet in the here-and-now
or in the here-after
or are we already united
on The Great Path

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

may i lay down at-one with you
may i hold you as a child
will you show me the god in you
if i show you the same in me

in this moment, dream with me

Monday, June 28, 2010

when the sun breaks over an awaiting landscape
its as if a lover has answered his lonnging mate's sweet call

Sunday, June 27, 2010

stalker of the Light i am
traversing the woodlands high and low
capturing its variations wherever i go

gotta be quick or willing to wait and lay low
for whenever she comes she lingers not

if i were you and you me
and we met on the "bye and bye"
would we recognize each other
i think not
for before you can know another
not only must you "walk a mile in his shoes"
you must have the creative capacity to do so
and that is where i think we falter:

Men are so self-consumed by their projections
they are unable to recognize their own selves
should they come face to face with self-same

Saturday, June 26, 2010

take to walking
while the dew is still fresh on the grass
no place to go, nothing to do
just converse silently with you

while the Light is yet subdued
the Truth still shines bright
emanating from an Inner Source
the boundless Heart of Mankind

walk ye while the cooling winds
do yet stir stately evening's withdrawal
while there's still some nocturnal magic in the air

Friday, June 18, 2010

Along Shoal Creek
Peace radiates abundantly
but no more than twenty yards from its shore
Shoal Creek DRIVE descends into Chaos and Decadence

Not now, Not yet
Not in these pre-dawn hours when the Sacred still prevails
but soon, the Auto will unleash
its Destructive Forces
Speeding up and down the Drive
Shoal Creek, itelf, invisible to conscious perception
or at brief, a passing apparition
of no enduring consequence

Technology creates cultural artifacts
out of established Ways of Life rendering them oddities for
commodities For Sale

Meanwhile, A yellow butterfly summons my attention
but her curiosity is soon peaked
and she flutters away
A blessing to her species
as it has not yet attained consciousness
perhaps, it has evolved past conscious fixations
attained a oneness where she flows with the moment
a different wave-length altogether

a Blessing indeed

Saturday, June 12, 2010

One of the Real People
thoz who when they came to the Fork in the Road:
man's technology or Divine Providence
chose the latter
thoz who honored the Divine Spirit within
thoz who came to know Eternal Life

Personal Fate is a largely a function of which Path we follow
do we trust Divine Providence or do we give into Fear
and allow ego to determine our behavior and actions
if ego, all the Glitz and Glamour of this world
dissolve like an obscuring fog before Light of Truth
and we are left naked...

When the Final Call is sounded
pray ye, be on the Right Path
an Inner Code is already written into our Hearts
Honor it

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Something beyond the here and now
ties us together eternally
something beyond the temporal
leads us down a rose-strewn path

Where you are every woman
i have ever loved
and i the same to you

more and more, i awake
finding it hard to reorient
myself to this time and place

perhaps, i am more awake, at home
in that other world
the Spiritual Dimension

is that the Creator's way
of preparing us for
crossing the stream

i think it must be so
for i feel more Natural and True
on the other side

no betrayals, no two-faced lies
no shadow projections of other people's ego-mania deceptions

just the many-faceted oneness
of you and i
all the incarnations that our mirror-likenesses
have taken thru-out the ages

sometimes when i write
i am guided by an invisible
but audible editor
she says things like: "does that 'i' belong before 'a'"
or she may change my wording
to more clearly say what i mean

then when i wake-up
i am startled
by her absence

i have been diagnosed with absence-seizures
is this the other side of the coin
by my absence am i not present in Spiritual Reality
I practice dying
suspend breathing, slowly, don't gasp
if for a moment, only a moment
know that you are not your body

when i restrain myself
follow the path of least resistance
various Angels come to my aid
as when i lock my mind and open my heart
un-protected as i am
from thoz who wuld do me harm

Sunday, June 6, 2010

From the Primal Depths of the Universe
a POWER unrestricted and subject not to conditions
reaches out to the humble, unassuming, innocent man
and EXALTS him above all others
who out of their egos strive
but attain naught in the eye of God
for in a flash of LIGHT all un-holiness dissolves
and true SUBSTANCE, SPIRIT, is revealed

Make no mistake, that which is not SPIRIT
is not...
Every bite i take is your BODY
every morsel, drop that passes my lips
is your BODY I savor your sweetness
i long to live by breath (SPIRIT) alone
needing no earthly nourishmeent
living by air itself

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

once you touch it
or rather, IT touches you
your life will never be the same
life is commandered/commanded by the endeavor
to re-establish Primal Contact touch with the DIVINE SPIRIT WITHIN

Sunday, May 30, 2010

were it not for the Southerly Gulf Stream Breeze
Austin would be as desolate as the desert-like Staked Plains
but the juncture of warm Gulf moisture and Rocky Mt frigid air
produces an Eden-like Paradise
renewed daily or more accurately
by Evening's transformative forces
transcendent, but subtle
ever-evolving toward PERFECTION

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have wrent pain and destruction upon my body
in an attempt to bring forth what is inside
yea, i have been too coarse in my methods in my practice
i am in need of grace and gentleness
but i will stay the course
there is an undeniable happiness
peace of mind that emerges
when we let go of our concerns with the material world

the unsurpassed happiness
of austerity
belies the locale of True Peace
Only by a relationship with the Divine Spirit within
are Joy, Inner Certainty and real Security
Deliverance is from Desire, itself, not just its pursuit

Friday, May 21, 2010

Who can fathom the vision of Galaxies
Only he who has left his body

All Pain, all Pleasure is Spiritual Manifestation
(as in Plato's Cave and myriad other examples)
THE PATTERN MAKER: he who creates physical manifestation
does so at his will
but can be both alive and yet in and out of body simultaneously


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

As a child we are filled with Wonder and Awe
somewhere along the line, it may have to do with socialization
we lose it
its only as we reach old age that Awe and Wonder return
the world comes alive again, literally
anima mundi
such needless loss is unnecessary
to live the majority of our life's as Zombies
oh yes, there is the 20's filled with mindless enthusiasm
but then we marry and settle down
what would happen if we just stayed on the Road
the Path of Innocence that keeps us from that silent death
of Conformity: to accept everything unchallenged
Consent: to give your POWER away
In a child's WONDER there is POWER
Consenting to giving your POWER away is voluntary castration
Keep your WONDER, keep your POWER

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Buddhists teach that Spiritual seperation from the body
is the highest state for the human being
and Buddhists seek to attain that seperation
without suffering physical trauma or death.

Materialism: over-preoccupation with things at the physical level;
neglecting important aspects of ethical and Spiritual existence.

Nirvana: state of existence in which the Spirit has attained full awareness
of itself as a Spiritual Being. No longer experiences suffering due to misidentification
with the material universe.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Every Warrior hopes a good death
will find him
but Tristian culdn't wait
he went to find his"


Monday, March 29, 2010

"Reality is but an illusion
albeit a persistent one"
Al Einstein

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Buddah was once asked if he was God
His answer: No,
I'm Awake

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabacthani"
(Mark 15:34)

Are we not all FALLEN ANGELS
impailed on our own PROJECTIONS

"let us not speak falsely now"(Bob Dylan)

'tis time to re-tract, take back
that which we have cast-out
and accept ownership of our own shadows

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"This PURE MIND the source of everything
Shines forever and on all with the BRILLANCE OF ITS OWN PERFECTION
But the people of the world do not awake to it
Regarding only that which sees, hears, feels and knows as mind
Blinded by their own sight, hearing, feeling and knowing
They do not perceive the spectral brillance of the source of all
Hung Po
"The Light shines in the darkness, though the darkness comprehends it not"
John 1:5

Sunday, February 28, 2010

secrets shared are sacred
but secrets left to linger
are dull, devoid of life
like court-room transcripts
moments of life left to lanquish in obscurity

so, if you have a secret love
whisper gently into her/his ear
that hearts given wings might soar

There is something utterly holy about Woman
she is by essence, Sacrifice
she takes, receives and freely gives of herself

thru her receptivity to divine impulses
in her capacity to Nourish
she commands the power to Transfigure
that which is mere mortal and raise it to SPIRITUAL ELEVATION

As with God, Woman sees with Light

in seeing with Light we are all PERFECT
as first conceived in the Divine Logos
only in this illusion of time
do we stumble, struggle to regain our balance
our Innocence

but thru Woman, as in God's Eye
we are already of UPRIGHT CHARACTER

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Are we not now engaged in a war among Principalities
having transcended the good guy vs bad guy paradigm
but is the prize now not the very unique, if beleagured, Soul itself

and Armageddon not as a place among Palestine's rolling plains
but in the depths and plummets of our own cavernous consciousness
did not Jesus speak to Mary, his favorite disciple
about knowledge beyond understanding of mere mortals

this places Christianity not just in the forefront of Peace and Love
but right in the midst of the SLAUGHTERHOUSE of HUMANITY
What say Mary in the knowing?

Monday, February 1, 2010

I had a visitation late last nite
two angels sat at my bedside speaking sweetly
revealing secrets of the kingdom

I awoke enchanted by this vision divine
the love it emparted was other worldly
for it was of Joy and Bliss, not desire
and the secrets they shared
pointed to a light, a spark within
lumen naturae--a light hidden in the darkness

by dreams are we called
to transmute our lower, primitive selves
into a Higher Self
by deja vu, a flash of recognition
the lumen naturae reveals itself as our companion
unleashing a flood of consciousness and obscure intentionality

a coming out as it were
the unconscious steps into the pale light of day
thus bringing the divine into full consciousness
yet, in this world, only at nite, when the gates of rationality swing freely
are our minds receptive to impulses flowing from heaven

The Final Frontier: Becoming conscious of the unconscious

Sunday, November 22, 2009

amidst the background noise of downtown hustle
I watched The Passage of Time
watched shadows retreat from the risin sun
watched light as it crossed the street
whereupon Time disappeared and no shadows were cast
Watched the setting sun
as fireflies danced in cylindrical rotation
highlighted by Nature's Special Effects
a vibrant display: luminous twinkling here then there
particles spinning, bobbing, weaving
a spontaneous choreography orchestrated by no-one

Time subtly slipped into time-out
a limbo land where we cease
counting, measuring, sparsely meting out
life's precious substance dose by dose

Yes today Time crossed the street
then gradually and imperceptibly ceased to exist

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Deep in the Heart of Being
lies the Primal Self
it is not, cannot be experienced
for it is that which is experiencing
that which cannot be accessed by thinking
that which demands: a STILL MIND
one must stop thinking
let go
let consciousness evolve
trusting beyond the controlling ego
silencing that voice in the head

understanding beyond thought
conveys Peace & Deep Inner Security
independent of circumstances and events


Monday, October 26, 2009

that which is seen
out of the corner of one's eye
is 'oft times more true
than that which appears in full-frontal view

Monday, October 19, 2009

is like a waterfall of Liquid Light
pouring into the crown of my head
as my heart rushes to meet it

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How exhilarating to walk Austin
this Indian Summer's Sun-day morn

A myriad of Natural and planted growth
adorns each side of the street
bikers abundant in their array of colorful gear

today, a sense of the Sacred:
all is right with the world

autumn leaves line the path
crunch underfoot with each and every step

to this stream of consciousness
i yield and float down the streets
of Sun-day morn

as i approach the 500 year oak
gnarled and knotted
i did lay myself bare upon Nature's Altar

Never too late
never too late to follow God's will
never too much water under the bridge
The Master had his way with water
turned water into wine
calmed the storm and walked upon troubled waters

God has his way with water

And so it is with us, water is just water
Never too late to still the tempestuous storm
never too late to follow God's will
everything occurs just in time
we need only be receptive
receptive to the impulses flowing from heaven

that must be involuntarily obeyed
thus, thru devotion to the DIVINE SPIRIT within
the way will arise on its own
(I Ching)
lies on the other side of Today and Tomorrow
Time is cyclical not linear

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

like a dream, my brief encounter with my Soul
gently fades away upon awakening
from nightly slumber
but which is dream and which reality
that only the Soul knows for sure

but why oh why does the Soul withdraw
when She encounters the pale light of day...
nonetheless, She has spoken to me
nurtured, loved and groomed me well
for my journey into the pale light of day
with the promise She will be here
waiting steadfast my nightly Return

Sunday, September 27, 2009

to woman is given the honor
of perserving the Hermetic Vessel
it has been said that she, herself, is the Holy Grail,
of this, tho, there can be no doubt:
the feminine is yielding, receptive, nourishing
and most importantly, life-giving

of the sexes she is more in touch with her instincts
the holder of powerful psychic energies
in her lies the Redemptive the Transformative

Friday, September 25, 2009

A New Day
the Sun like moonlight hiding behind buttermilk clouds
walking thru Ramsey Park
i am struck by mothers with their children
at play

an awareness comes over me of how devoted moms are
and what values escape into our world
thru their children at play
purposeless unstructured and spontaneous

some mothers stand and watch
while others converse
but some, are in-drawn and aloof
not fully engaged in the moment at hand
and thus losing its value
what really stands out tho
is how open and unguarded children are
bringing, as a gift, into our world
completely spontaneous unfiltered moments
a glimpse into the sacred

lets, ourselves, remain open
lest we miss moments like these

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

it is said that awareness
is the state of being conscious that you are conscious
but in this awareness there is a paralysis
as Narcissus is mesmerized by his own reflection
he is struck and stuck by and in his own projection

a mirror reflects only an image not substance, itself
if we are to break this trance of limited consciousness
(like we do every nite when we dream)
we must cultivate divinely inspired moments
seize the moment when there is a fissure in the fabric of experience
when the unconscious breaks thru the conscious threshold
revealing itself as a doorway to lucidity

in short, our task is to become aware of the unconscious
enough with the conscious that you are conscious realization
(automatic writing and drawing, active imagination
meditation, lucid dreaming and keeping a dream journal
all are techniques to break the tyranny of consciousness)
the unconscious can be stirred just by seeing images in clouds adrift
so easy a child can do it
time to bring the unconscious into the Light of day

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Love never dies a natural death
it dies because we don't know how to replenish
its source
It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals
It dies of illness and wounds
It dies of weariness of withering of tarnishing"

Anais Nin

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

out of the ashes of Twin Towers
rises a NEW EDEN
for the old (York) has passed away

we are yet in the midst
unable to behold (NEW EDEN)
for our eyes are clouded by chaos's dust
our nostrils filled with its repugnant stench
its fall its demise surrounds us
obscuring not only our vision
but our imagination

nonetheless the twisted-tortured skeletal relics
will not give birth to a new industrial behemoth
a post-modern futuristic Transformer
rampaging raping the earth
and its indigenous peoples
No, Never again

We the People have before us
the task of re-creating pre-linguistic primeval relations
with the Natural Order the Natural World
from which emerge
a New Myth a New Story of Origin...


Sunday, September 13, 2009

What a gift is baby Kenadie
she awakens in us humility, grace
and Spiritual Awareness
born only a fraction of normal size
medically a Primordial Dwarf
in Truth she is God's Angel
sent to startle to seize
awe and amaze awaken the gift that is Life

in her as in Baby Jesus
a miracle is born
sent to transform Life as we know it