Along Shoal Creek
Peace radiates abundantly
but no more than twenty yards from its shore
Shoal Creek DRIVE descends into Chaos and Decadence
Not now, Not yet
Not in these pre-dawn hours when the Sacred still prevails
but soon, the Auto will unleash
its Destructive Forces
Speeding up and down the Drive
Shoal Creek, itelf, invisible to conscious perception
or at brief, a passing apparition
of no enduring consequence
Technology creates cultural artifacts
out of established Ways of Life rendering them oddities for display
commodities For Sale
Meanwhile, A yellow butterfly summons my attention
but her curiosity is soon peaked
and she flutters away
A blessing to her species
as it has not yet attained consciousness
perhaps, it has evolved past conscious fixations
attained a oneness where she flows with the moment
a different wave-length altogether
a Blessing indeed