Wednesday, June 30, 2010

may i lay down at-one with you
may i hold you as a child
will you show me the god in you
if i show you the same in me

in this moment, dream with me

Monday, June 28, 2010

when the sun breaks over an awaiting landscape
its as if a lover has answered his lonnging mate's sweet call

Sunday, June 27, 2010

stalker of the Light i am
traversing the woodlands high and low
capturing its variations wherever i go

gotta be quick or willing to wait and lay low
for whenever she comes she lingers not

if i were you and you me
and we met on the "bye and bye"
would we recognize each other
i think not
for before you can know another
not only must you "walk a mile in his shoes"
you must have the creative capacity to do so
and that is where i think we falter:

Men are so self-consumed by their projections
they are unable to recognize their own selves
should they come face to face with self-same

Saturday, June 26, 2010

take to walking
while the dew is still fresh on the grass
no place to go, nothing to do
just converse silently with you

while the Light is yet subdued
the Truth still shines bright
emanating from an Inner Source
the boundless Heart of Mankind

walk ye while the cooling winds
do yet stir stately evening's withdrawal
while there's still some nocturnal magic in the air

Friday, June 18, 2010

Along Shoal Creek
Peace radiates abundantly
but no more than twenty yards from its shore
Shoal Creek DRIVE descends into Chaos and Decadence

Not now, Not yet
Not in these pre-dawn hours when the Sacred still prevails
but soon, the Auto will unleash
its Destructive Forces
Speeding up and down the Drive
Shoal Creek, itelf, invisible to conscious perception
or at brief, a passing apparition
of no enduring consequence

Technology creates cultural artifacts
out of established Ways of Life rendering them oddities for
commodities For Sale

Meanwhile, A yellow butterfly summons my attention
but her curiosity is soon peaked
and she flutters away
A blessing to her species
as it has not yet attained consciousness
perhaps, it has evolved past conscious fixations
attained a oneness where she flows with the moment
a different wave-length altogether

a Blessing indeed

Saturday, June 12, 2010

One of the Real People
thoz who when they came to the Fork in the Road:
man's technology or Divine Providence
chose the latter
thoz who honored the Divine Spirit within
thoz who came to know Eternal Life

Personal Fate is a largely a function of which Path we follow
do we trust Divine Providence or do we give into Fear
and allow ego to determine our behavior and actions
if ego, all the Glitz and Glamour of this world
dissolve like an obscuring fog before Light of Truth
and we are left naked...

When the Final Call is sounded
pray ye, be on the Right Path
an Inner Code is already written into our Hearts
Honor it

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Something beyond the here and now
ties us together eternally
something beyond the temporal
leads us down a rose-strewn path

Where you are every woman
i have ever loved
and i the same to you

more and more, i awake
finding it hard to reorient
myself to this time and place

perhaps, i am more awake, at home
in that other world
the Spiritual Dimension

is that the Creator's way
of preparing us for
crossing the stream

i think it must be so
for i feel more Natural and True
on the other side

no betrayals, no two-faced lies
no shadow projections of other people's ego-mania deceptions

just the many-faceted oneness
of you and i
all the incarnations that our mirror-likenesses
have taken thru-out the ages

sometimes when i write
i am guided by an invisible
but audible editor
she says things like: "does that 'i' belong before 'a'"
or she may change my wording
to more clearly say what i mean

then when i wake-up
i am startled
by her absence

i have been diagnosed with absence-seizures
is this the other side of the coin
by my absence am i not present in Spiritual Reality
I practice dying
suspend breathing, slowly, don't gasp
if for a moment, only a moment
know that you are not your body

when i restrain myself
follow the path of least resistance
various Angels come to my aid
as when i lock my mind and open my heart
un-protected as i am
from thoz who wuld do me harm

Sunday, June 6, 2010

From the Primal Depths of the Universe
a POWER unrestricted and subject not to conditions
reaches out to the humble, unassuming, innocent man
and EXALTS him above all others
who out of their egos strive
but attain naught in the eye of God
for in a flash of LIGHT all un-holiness dissolves
and true SUBSTANCE, SPIRIT, is revealed

Make no mistake, that which is not SPIRIT
is not...
Every bite i take is your BODY
every morsel, drop that passes my lips
is your BODY I savor your sweetness
i long to live by breath (SPIRIT) alone
needing no earthly nourishmeent
living by air itself

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

once you touch it
or rather, IT touches you
your life will never be the same
life is commandered/commanded by the endeavor
to re-establish Primal Contact touch with the DIVINE SPIRIT WITHIN