Sunday, February 28, 2010

secrets shared are sacred
but secrets left to linger
are dull, devoid of life
like court-room transcripts
moments of life left to lanquish in obscurity

so, if you have a secret love
whisper gently into her/his ear
that hearts given wings might soar

There is something utterly holy about Woman
she is by essence, Sacrifice
she takes, receives and freely gives of herself

thru her receptivity to divine impulses
in her capacity to Nourish
she commands the power to Transfigure
that which is mere mortal and raise it to SPIRITUAL ELEVATION

As with God, Woman sees with Light

in seeing with Light we are all PERFECT
as first conceived in the Divine Logos
only in this illusion of time
do we stumble, struggle to regain our balance
our Innocence

but thru Woman, as in God's Eye
we are already of UPRIGHT CHARACTER

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Are we not now engaged in a war among Principalities
having transcended the good guy vs bad guy paradigm
but is the prize now not the very unique, if beleagured, Soul itself

and Armageddon not as a place among Palestine's rolling plains
but in the depths and plummets of our own cavernous consciousness
did not Jesus speak to Mary, his favorite disciple
about knowledge beyond understanding of mere mortals

this places Christianity not just in the forefront of Peace and Love
but right in the midst of the SLAUGHTERHOUSE of HUMANITY
What say Mary in the knowing?

Monday, February 1, 2010

I had a visitation late last nite
two angels sat at my bedside speaking sweetly
revealing secrets of the kingdom

I awoke enchanted by this vision divine
the love it emparted was other worldly
for it was of Joy and Bliss, not desire
and the secrets they shared
pointed to a light, a spark within
lumen naturae--a light hidden in the darkness

by dreams are we called
to transmute our lower, primitive selves
into a Higher Self
by deja vu, a flash of recognition
the lumen naturae reveals itself as our companion
unleashing a flood of consciousness and obscure intentionality

a coming out as it were
the unconscious steps into the pale light of day
thus bringing the divine into full consciousness
yet, in this world, only at nite, when the gates of rationality swing freely
are our minds receptive to impulses flowing from heaven

The Final Frontier: Becoming conscious of the unconscious