Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Deep in the Heart of Being
lies the Primal Self
it is not, cannot be experienced
for it is that which is experiencing
that which cannot be accessed by thinking
that which demands: a STILL MIND
one must stop thinking
let go
let consciousness evolve
trusting beyond the controlling ego
silencing that voice in the head

understanding beyond thought
conveys Peace & Deep Inner Security
independent of circumstances and events


Monday, October 26, 2009

that which is seen
out of the corner of one's eye
is 'oft times more true
than that which appears in full-frontal view

Monday, October 19, 2009

is like a waterfall of Liquid Light
pouring into the crown of my head
as my heart rushes to meet it

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How exhilarating to walk Austin
this Indian Summer's Sun-day morn

A myriad of Natural and planted growth
adorns each side of the street
bikers abundant in their array of colorful gear

today, a sense of the Sacred:
all is right with the world

autumn leaves line the path
crunch underfoot with each and every step

to this stream of consciousness
i yield and float down the streets
of Sun-day morn

as i approach the 500 year oak
gnarled and knotted
i did lay myself bare upon Nature's Altar

Never too late
never too late to follow God's will
never too much water under the bridge
The Master had his way with water
turned water into wine
calmed the storm and walked upon troubled waters

God has his way with water

And so it is with us, water is just water
Never too late to still the tempestuous storm
never too late to follow God's will
everything occurs just in time
we need only be receptive
receptive to the impulses flowing from heaven

that must be involuntarily obeyed
thus, thru devotion to the DIVINE SPIRIT within
the way will arise on its own
(I Ching)
lies on the other side of Today and Tomorrow
Time is cyclical not linear

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

like a dream, my brief encounter with my Soul
gently fades away upon awakening
from nightly slumber
but which is dream and which reality
that only the Soul knows for sure

but why oh why does the Soul withdraw
when She encounters the pale light of day...
nonetheless, She has spoken to me
nurtured, loved and groomed me well
for my journey into the pale light of day
with the promise She will be here
waiting steadfast my nightly Return