Thursday, August 27, 2009

beyond reason
with a shy innocence
her eyes mirror the eternal fire
dance to an inaudible song
for a moment, but a moment
Soft with Love

your eyes soft with love
the innocence of childhood
a glimmer a glimpse
and the Soul's shy smile
timidly ventures out
nurtured by a gentle hand

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

dissolve the obstructions
undo the bindings
by which i have sought to avoid life's pain
it better to suffer a little pain
than a lifetime of numbness

Monday, August 24, 2009

in memories cherished and sweet
we sometimes slip
to re-live a joyful retreat
but alas memories are not
what the present moment demands
memories cannot sustain life
only remind
that the stuff of which life is made
its quality its essence
is life-affirming an intangible interplay
its a give and take dialogue
between the soul and the other
its a bold sometimes graceful
our unique perception
a loosening of boundaries
of what is us and what is other

Friday, August 21, 2009

Back in the day
when i just graduated H.S.
i did not opt immediately for college
instead, i indulged in a bit of self-gratifying

i went to work
and bought a red corvette (albeit used)
but to my dismay i found myself
painfully self-conscious doubting my indulgence

sitting at a stop-light one day
i glanced over to a working-man
in a beat-up old pick-up truck
he, more than me deserved
a better ride
and to the opposite side
sat a mom with her brood of kids
in her clunker before such transport
was a ticket to something better

as it turned out
after a year in the working world
i exchanged my red corvette
for a year of college tuition

ironically i attended a school
run by Franciscan monks
whose vows included poverty
a message i took to heart

never again would i be comfortable
with such conspicuous consumption (Thorstein Veblen)
our economic system produces a surplus
of items wherein there is profit
but is sorely deficient otherwise

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Setting out on today's Journey
i begin among the OLD OAKS
which line SHOAL CREEK BLVD.
yet no sooner than i begin am i pulled down the embankment
to the rock-bed of SHOAL CREEK itself

by all reckonings this is Wednesday morn
tho it has all the feel and characteristics
of a carefree Saturday
its as tho i am a grade-school student
set-free by my Masters

immediately my senses are captured
by such Natural Features
as grassy knolls well-rounded river-rock
and stagnant back-water black pools
run-off fed by the devastation of development
that is houses streets and imaginary neighborhoods

NATURE is as you find it
an inner-dialogue a projection of ourselves
existing in our minds as we frame it

And NATURE is as it ever was
and will be again
thru-out all Nature reigns

So i emerge from my Nature Quest
at the heavily trafficked intersection
of Allendale & Northland
which as a place pales in comparison
to Shoal Creek itself

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach me, and not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

Henry David Thoreau

Monday, August 17, 2009



August 23, 2:00(CST)

at the Capitol in Austin Tx

otherwise your local mainstreet

Sunday, August 16, 2009

have you ever seen a whale die
its entrails dumped back into the ocean

the Creator did not intend this to happen
it only occurs outside the purview of Heaven
as man in defiance of Spirit

as man in his own demise
Heaven's Gate lies within us
its key is child-like abandon
willing to receive willing to give
no pretensions no defenses

ego's barrier set aside
baptized by the Holy Spirit
totally awash in unobstructed
complete union

Thursday, August 13, 2009

if heart-rendering events move you
your compassion evokes a Spiritual response
and its only Spirit that can save the world
human compassion is a catalyst
so its up to you and i brother
to lay open our hearts and thereby
invoke Spiritual Healing

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

how much blue is enough
thousands upon thousands of square miles of ocean
endless reaches of blue sky

how many stars are enough
the Universe is filled with countless points of Light

and fresh air by the lung full
how much freshness can one breathe
at any given time

in abundance is Creation endowed
as mere mortals how can we deplete God's bounty

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The asphalt rises and winds
before me
but the Black Hills beckon
invite a deeper penetration
So tempted i veer off the hard-top
and pick my way
among valleys and streams cliffs and ravines

no trail before me no trace behind
indeed the Wanderer's Way
is the "road less traveled"

the Way emerges from the dialogue
between man and Nature
between me and the Wilderness

an emergent path is quite personal

the way, the path
arises out of the moment itself
yet it is left for us to determine
just when the moment is right for seizing
if poorly timed, we lose the way
drifting in errant meandering

Right Action/Right Moment
are opposing sides of the same coin

Thursday, August 6, 2009

(a great American Fantasy)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thru heart and hand
Spirit leads us to our
significant other
hands are heart's extensions
bidding us to reach out
in mutual clasp
forming a relationship
born in Hea

Saturday, August 1, 2009


he's a bottom-feeder
double-dealer thiev undercover
taking his cut up-front
...behind his back