Monday, January 26, 2009

I have heard the LOST SILENCE
as my heart sounds out the Way
pray ye, listen for Silence

Saturday, January 24, 2009

in war the end never justifies the means
only when the means become the end
is Justice attained

Thursday, January 22, 2009

if i culd be as sturdy as a tree
out-reaching limbs over- arching all
no greater security culd i 0ffer
in answering God's call

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

yea, its not the growing old
that is the culprit
not just the passage of time
that robs a man of his life
but the quality of moments gone by
that's the measure of a life
rich and full

Friday, January 16, 2009


Humans in their totality are born of the earth
We are earthlings
The earth is our nourishment our support our guide
Thomas Berry

This we know
The earth does not belong to man
man belongs to the earth
Chief Seattle

The land must not be sold beyond reclaim
for the land is Mine
you are but strangers resident with me
Lev. 25:23

The profit of the earth is for all
(not just exxon)
Eccles. 5:9

Woe to them that join house to house
that lay field to field till there be no place
Isiah 5:8

Restore I pray you to them even this day
their lands their vineyards their olive trees
and their houses
(Palestinians one and all)
Nehemiah 5:1

The earth is given as a common stock
for men to labor and to live on
Thomas Jefferson

The land the earth God gave to man
for his home sustenance and support
should never be the possession of any man
corporation society or any unfriendly government
any more than the air or water if as much
An individual company or enterprise
should hold no more than is required
for their home and sustenance
All that is not used should be held
for the free use of every family
to make homesteads
and to hold them as long as they are occupied
Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, January 10, 2009

as a species
we humans don't know how to take hardship
we struggle, wiggle, wrangle and sigh
but other animals in a hard world
know different
they accept, adapt and more than persevere
they experience a reality unknown to us

Thursday, January 8, 2009

lights bursting rays
thru the forest dense
occasion to recompense
that which is too often missed

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the saddest thing
is what could have been
that ego stands in the way
shuns the present moment in spiteful defiance
then all too late... what could have been

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

i wasn't there
why should she be