Wednesday, December 31, 2008

in the quiet security of heart

lies the most valuable possession of a lifetime

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

three angels arrayed
three angels arrayed
up in a tree over my shoulder
just behind me
they talked with child-like Innocence
making me blush at Purity so near

Friday, December 26, 2008

there is a new movement afoot
the transformation of the old becomes easy
what is so hopeful:

The Movement is Natural arising Spontaneously


Saturday, December 20, 2008

When i'm not looking
beauty sometimes sneaks upon me

Commit to Child-like Innocence of the Natural State
by a beautiful song
by a beautiful voice
by a woman song-bird

by a woman so beautiful

as only woman can be

Friday, December 19, 2008

blowin down my back
drizzle melting Summers' stores

Thursday, December 11, 2008

An American Insurgency
Urgency in the making
all Progress is from and thru Crisis

The Beast, Capitalism, is in its
Death Throes
we but need deliver its merciful end


mission: create an Alternative Lifestyle
by changing our patterns of consumption
no longer buy or buy- into the Corporate Brand
Voluntary Simplicity is living in a way that is

outwardly simple and inwardly rich

a new balance between inner and outer growth
the way of life embraces frugality of consumption
and a non-consumerist lifestyle based on

being and becoming not having

recognizing the poverty of abundance

Co-operation rather than competition

our consumerist search for identity, finally peaks
identity is no longer gift-wrapped in materialism
no longer is there a need to buy things
we don't really need
for too many Americans consumption is not only
an expression of identity it is identity

All religious founders (Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tse, St. Francis)
agreed that the pursuit of material wealth is a wrong aim

the madness can stop by initiating some simple activities:

organic gardening, recycling, natural foods, simple clothing
biking to work, backpacking on vacations, family oriented
engaging in meditation or other growth processes
both produce and buy local
cottage industries

the ideas presented here are only a beginning
meant by way of introduction
the way is much, much more extensive and rich
fundamental change


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

hmm...lets see a society based on not-wanting?

or maybe just tempered by not- wanting

a new balance between inner and outer growth

but what of the consequences to GDP?

Oh, you mean a Radical Redistribution of Wealth...hmm, lets see

a form of Radical Simplicity espoused by Ghandi

a compassionate community welfare of not wanting what the least of the inhabitants of this earth cannot have

What you do unto the least of these you do to me
MATTHEW 25: 40

Monday, December 8, 2008


a temporary suspension of the conscious struggle for existence
brought on by an irrational moment of instinctive awareness.
No matter who runs, the same side always wins
...awakened deaf
when truly awake we are deaf
sense perceptions are shut-out
that Soul may speak

Sunday, December 7, 2008

if soap is a cleansing agent
why does it leave scum?
same principle as white trash??

oh well, i'm off to the laundromat this morning

you meet the best ppl there...thoz seeking cleansing
thoz who bare their filth:
outwardly, openly, in humility
but what about
"never air your dirty laundry in public"?

ah but, confession of inequity

that's true cleansing

Wednesday, December 3, 2008