Wednesday, April 30, 2008

see you an angel
when you gaze upon woman so fair
see you an angel...

spirit manifesting your heart's desire

Sunday, April 13, 2008

our lives
only stations along the way
not the end-of-the-line

i love the little girl
in a woman
oh its no doubt
the woman is beguiling, intriguing
but its the little girl
the one who believes in dreams
the little girl
the one who is joyous
whose voice trickles and leaps
like a cascading mountain stream
it will always be the little girl
who embraces life magically
with her exuberant heart

Friday, April 11, 2008

Once your heart
gives birth to love
pure and true
once you submit
to its ancient wisdom
allowing it to nourish you
tenderly it leads
and your life is forever changed
it may turn you inside-out
challenge your most time- honored beliefs
but given free reign
its heart that brings you blessings
heart that puts a knowing smile upon your face
...but its heart that we betray

we return to that shallow- way
that has no depth, no soul
that shallow way that knows not passion
that shallow way, halting in step
freezes in fear
in trepidation calculates...

give it no thought though
we mortals have not eyes to see
our metaphysics, reason, protects us
instills in us a sense-common
which denies seeing and being
its only Natures Child, God's Holy Child
that defies reason
but not...
no, not you and me

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Did you not know
but then
you have always known
haven't you
i have been waiting
deep in the place of your dreams
when you called
was i not there, at once
by your side
in this place
us, where we are, who we are
remains eternal
only time changes
flowing like a river
in which we stand

I saw the look
caught it in your eye
just a flash
a moment gone by
you can't hide
whats in your soul
you can't deny
that over which you have no control
when you are loved by someone
deep and true
when your souls connect, merge
its really not up to you
i love you
beyond all time
beyond all rules
i love you
because i've seen your soul
looking out at me
when it gathered itself in your eyes

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

we cannot fully appreciate
what we have, until we lose it
loss, however, is the gateway
to greater wisdom and love
pain and suffering, then
are welcome companions
on this, the Spiritual Path

Saturday, April 5, 2008

the journey is the path
not the destination
walk in a sacred way
as i napped i heard someone stirring
i thot it might be my beloved
trying not to disturb me
but, no
the movement came from within
in my mind or more aptly
my soul

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I knew my body wasn't functioning properly
to recuperate i sat on a bench
gazing out on a familiar scene
then i saw something unseen before
a big, sturdy, lush tree
exuberant with new foliage

my spirit helper had spoken to me
coincidence of inner and outer
i got up finished my walk
feeling renewed, restored