Friday, August 24, 2007

primal power is the essence of power
or energy
has the power "to lend form to archetypes"

"of all that is good sublimity is supreme"

"Hidden dragon...
a person that has the character of a dragon
but remains concealed
he does not change to suit the world...
he receives no recognition"

"he makes no name for himself
he withdraws from the world
verily, he cannot be uprooted; he is a hidden dragon"

yet he represents strength and firmness
he brings about peace on earth

he that is hidden
"must make himself strong in every way
by consciously casting out all that is
inferior and degrading."
who could, would
turn their back on

face to face
whose head would not drop
in awe
whose heart would not melt
face to face, with his love

that i might see the world
see my brothers, see my sisters
as Jesus does look upon

Thursday, August 23, 2007

i love your Knowledge
your Truth
forgive me, my ignorance
i can only ready myself
to receive
i do not Create

but keeping still produces
great power
holding firm stores creative power

"He is able to keep strength still;
this is great correctness"

"Holding fast to heavenly virtue,
is the prerequisite for innocence:
innocence is the indispensable condition
for being able to holdfast
to pristine heavenly virtue

in this one attains the way of heaven
everything depends on the power of personality"

"such a man is in harmony with heaven;
therefore even great and difficult undertakings

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

only spirit can help the world
only thru personal sacrifice
can spirit enter the world...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

security: the ability
"to give and receive love"
Deepak Chopra

Monday, August 13, 2007

'I leave with you my Peace.
I give unto you. not as the world giveth,
give I unto you. Let not your heart
be troubled, nor let it be afraid."
John 14:27

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

In the Brotherhood of Man
we are not true
unless we feel every-man's loss
as our own

it is in weakness (compassion)
that we are human
and that may be
what God loves about us Army Strong!
learn to kill, pillage and plunder...
come back home
and see if you can live
with what you've become
what you have done

Jesus to the soldiers:
"Do harm to no man."
Luke 3:14

Sunday, August 5, 2007

subtle and sublime
are the actions of the Creative
like a patchwork quilt
the pattern of which
can be seen only from afar