Sunday, July 22, 2007

children exist in another world
oblivious to our consensus reality

it is only little by little
piece by piece
that we wrest their paradise away
force them to accept our distorted projections

no wonder the rebelliousness of youth
we commit on them a sin comparable to rape
i owe a debt of deep gratitude
to the guardian angels, friends at northloop apt's
of some of their help i remember
but other i have learned only bits and pieces
for i was unconscious
but i think of the grace i have been shown
a deep thankfullness ...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

embrace the Monastic Way
singularity of purpose
Deep Anarchy beyond secular politics
a strict adherence to Holy Indifference
asking nothing refusing nothing
thru this practice
a transformation reveals itself
a journey from archetype to hardened reality
a monks vows of poverty, chasity, obedience

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

stop the talk, stop the thought
stop the incessant chatter
in your head
ease into oceanic awareness
no names, no reflections
just flow with deep tidal drifts

Saturday, July 7, 2007

seduced like a rainy day
yielding to the subtle energy
sublime in its power
transformative, archetype to material manifestation
let the rain pour

may desire become form
and substance
not escape the feelin
of a dark, lonely planet standing in its own shadow
stark in its own omnipotence
subtely provacitive , suggestive of The End Times
smelling of wet musk
evaporative signals activating grey brain matter
reptillian ancestory
cast in shades of grey...

hard reality LIVE EARTH
is the last will and testament
of a dying planet
what have we done
to the Garden entrusted to us?

raped and pillaged by halliburton
unleashing again, the evil powers of empire

even tho billed as LIVE EARTH
it seemed sometimes
as if it was the cathartic purging
of a dying earth, already...

in its death throes
i had company tonite
stayed up to watch LIVE EARTH
the kick-off from Australia
Al Gore proving he did invent the internet
nothing lke this since woodstock

its hard to believe
that two so opposite movements
LIVE EARTH and bush's neo-cons
culd coexist on the same planet