Friday, June 29, 2007

getting use
to waking the whole nite thru
greeting the morning sun
with a half-smile
knowing all the while
this day has no end

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Standing on the edge of darkness
i can see clearly now
it's my god
my god that have betrayed me
him that i have both adored and feared
wagered with satan
and like Job
betrayed, bartered me away
like so many cattle, sheep

"Oh baby, baby its a wild world..."
Yusuf Islam

Monday, June 25, 2007

in my dream
i conferred with the pattern-maker
no consensus emerged
save the spinning gyre
the bridge unfinished
form and substance only a desire

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I know of
a secret, sacred-place
tucked away amidst
the rocky outcroppings of distant hills
a beautiful stone grotto carved by Nature
lying beneath a shelf out-looking on a wondrous hollow...awaiting.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

In Stillness
there is a knowing.
beyond the parameters of reason
lies an instinctive certainty
unfounded, unbounded by ego's domain
herein we may rest
herein we may lie at ease
within the arms of Divine Providence

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"A Culture of Atrocity"
the battlefield is no longer about killing
there exists physical courage in battle
but not moral
MURDER has become the order of the day
665,000 innocent Iraqis have been murdered
out of vengeance, primal impulses
for which we have no reference
no preparation, the death of compadres in battle
raises a red/blind flag:
"War is always about betrayal
betrayal of the young by the old
of the idealist by the cynics
and of the troops by politicians"
indiscriminate murder...

only 1 of 8 iraqi children
live to age 8
the result of primal impulses gone awry

Chris Hodges,

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"War's Sacred Toll"
mosques cathedrals holy leaders
religious capitals, symbols

we are driving God from our world
lord have mercy, lord have mercy

James Carroll, The Boston Globe

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Your love, Power
is infinite
there are none you cannot save
no-one beyond your redemption
Your Love, Your Power
is infinite
Warriors, Priestess, Demons
and Dragons
None beyond your love
You are the One
the Beginning and the End
None beyond your redemption
Your love...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

"Those that dance appear insane
to those that cannot hear the music"

how tragic life becomes
when we turn our backs on soul
for without soul there is no life
just the endless functions of robotic repetitions

when you love
you may get hurt; don't stop
it gets only worse
when we don't hurt

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

not in muscle, tendon, sinew
or bone
does life reside
but verily life throbs
in the invisible, the intangible

might that i become a wolf
roamin wild and free
trottin with my nose in the wind
no greater heaven for me