Monday, April 30, 2007

Eagerly, i wish to march to the "front"
to spot the enemy
and un-leash all manner of destruction on him
the closer i get
the more i recognize the enemy
as my "self"

Saturday, April 28, 2007

the lure of the city
the temptation of Lucifer
obscure the blessings of the Lord
how can we be blind to El Capitan or the Grand Canyon
the city, itself, deceives
a means of social control
nature --a refuge for the soul

Monday, April 23, 2007

fate and fate alone
would bring the authenticity
of deep-love and cruel circumstances
back to back
great soul is amassed by such encounter
growth of the soul is inevitably painful

Friday, April 20, 2007

Divine Light, here and present
yet we have not eyes to see
what manner of light
which fills the heavens
there is a divine light
that occupies even the empty and black
regions of the universe
such as we imagine as "black holes"
where, in that, the heavens are filled
with a Radiant Light
that is nonetheless the self-same
as the Creator Himself
to imagine a condition or effect
seperate of the Heavenly Creator
is human-folly
it is the disease of the mortal mind
that projects its non-unified condition on heavenly creation
no greater folly has man
than to imagine that the projections
of his diseased mind are in themselves, absolute reality

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

who was it that adored the Christ
who was his favorite disciple
who understood his message beyond all others
who was it that washed His feet
with her hair and tears
who gave herself un-conditionally
to the Christ
who giving up her own ego
became the humble servant of the Son of Man

thoz things that erupt
from the unconscious mind
that are not tempered by light
are disruptive
not harmonious with universal love

it is necessary to delve into the unconscious
for growth, for evolvement
but we do so only with the shield of light
darkness snuffs out light
because it is a thieve, a liar
darkness has no power of its own
it exists only because of its parasitical relationship to light
we are as lambs among wolves
we must increase the power of light in our lifes

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

when confronted with evil
the proper choice
is to turn our minds away from things
which are not permanent

my heart yearns to love
passion only is no solution
i saw the look
that goes beyond all reason
i saw the look, soul-to-soul
the call to Nature's Child
not to freeze in fear
not to halt in trepidation
but to rush into the arms of love
embrace the eternal mystery, un-hesitantly
risk the miraculous
my heart hurts
32 love-lights slaughtered
in darkness, by darkness
my heart hurts, hurts