Saturday, January 20, 2007

just coming in
from what seems to have been
only a summer's vacation
but nay, a lifetime...
moments, precious and sweet

Friday, January 19, 2007

that spirit is substantive
is a hard pill to swallow
in a matter-biased world
but that is exactly what we must do
...accept spiritual reality

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

in this moment...
in this moment
there is life
not in past remembrances
nor in future projections
but in the embrace
the acceptance of the eternal now

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

lines of time strung along its banks
and yet the waters flow
11,400 years ago
native americans settled
the valley of shoal creek
memories, sound-waves resonate
rocks vibrate
a story unsung
among the silence of shoal creek

when matter no longer is substance
and wave and particle weave
a new reality...
paradigms falter, concepts fail
perception eludes definition
the old dissolves, the new
struggles to be born

down shoal creek
runnin with robert e. lee
and the confederate boys
down shoal creek
walkin and wonderin
lettin the mind play out

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

renounce the world
and ask...
can wisdom flow
in my experience
can wisdom flow...

Steve Irwin--the Australian croc-hunter
he changed our world
holding onto nature
he shouted out loud
made a message heard
we will miss him...
spirit devours flesh
withering, warring
eating away

Monday, January 1, 2007

pilgrim, gladiator, sole-survivor
lives without self-will
without desire, without self-interest
trusting wholly in divine providence