Thursday, December 27, 2007

she walks
even the earth stops
when she walks

oh when she talks
even the birds listen
when she talks
yes when she talks
even the winds stand still
when she talks

but when she walks
a celestial bridge
when she walks
heaven and earth are one
when she walks

my heart stops beating
when she...

one enchanted nite
the Divine Couple (syzygy)
experienced transcendent bliss
heavenly, numinous union

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Imagine all the
living life in peace
You may say I'm a
but I'm not the only
I hope someday
join us
and the world will
as one"

John Lennon

Friday, December 14, 2007

true love
you ask do i believe
why, yes!
is not thy God true
does he not anticipate our every need
we are to do as he does
thus, love truly

Thursday, December 13, 2007

the Holy Spirit will "teach us all things"
and "bring all things to our remembrance"

John 14:26

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

everyday i try to think of something
but most of the time, i forget what it is


Monday, December 10, 2007

you think he doesn't know
your hopes, your dreams
he is a hidden god
who weeps and sobs
over our travails, our pain

yet he is here by our side
here in our heart
we but need eyes for seeing
in this instance
believing is seeing

Friday, December 7, 2007

what is your joy quotient
so much of our lives are lost
to latent joy
joy that goes unclaimed, unlived

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Iraq, as we know it
as we have come to see it
is but the projection of unhealthy minds
the shadow-self

when we don't come to terms
with our own dark-side
our own shadow-self
then we project it outward
others become evil-doers
in truth, unknown people

we must come to own ourselves
put an end to "demonizing"
Islamic Terrorism is simply
the flip-side of American Imperialism

cain and able
over and over again
archetypal repetitions scripting our world

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

the mind struggles
with what the heart knows

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

children lend us
their beauty
share with us
their God-given grace

the least we can do
is return their gifts
in-kind, intact
without robbing them
of their Innocence

Monday, November 12, 2007

That Angels have wings
is attributable to the fact
that in the Spiritual world
matter doesn't matter anymore

Spirit is devoid of the physical
and its limitations
yet we don't have to wait for heaven

we can earn our wings
in this life, thru self-mastery
restoring Spirit to its dominant place
when it comes down to
what is really real
matter doesn't matter anymore

Friday, November 2, 2007

archetypes arise
breaking patterns old and dysfunctional;
creating an inter-relatedness
a harmony
in which all individual species unite
resulting in morphic resonance
a healing, oneness

Saturday, October 27, 2007

patterns behind patterns
process beneath structure...

that which we observe (knowing)
is not absolute reality
but a reflection
of that which we are (being)

symbiosis in knowing and being:
as we think
the same shall we know

Friday, October 19, 2007

capture the feeling of a beautiful day
when everything is right with the world
internalize it, make it your own
then at any given moment
or, from moment to moment
project that beauty
which is now your own

Friday, October 12, 2007

...a tangible joy
...a secret sympathy
empathetic resonance
albeit, at a distance

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

"We are shaped by our thoughts
we become what we think
when the mind is pure,
joy follows
like a shadow that never leaves"

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

lean to loneliness
for time has a way
of rendering us
but it is to eternity
not time
that we owe our existence

the divine spirit within
patiently awaits our Return
and in that there is
great good fortune

Monday, September 3, 2007

A child
one of God's holy ones
blessed me
said that he would cry
if any harm came to me
a child, a manifestation of Purity
laid his blessing upon me

I am humbled, awed
Creation itself up and spoke
to me, blessed me
in the form of the holiest
of holies
...a holy child

Friday, August 24, 2007

primal power is the essence of power
or energy
has the power "to lend form to archetypes"

"of all that is good sublimity is supreme"

"Hidden dragon...
a person that has the character of a dragon
but remains concealed
he does not change to suit the world...
he receives no recognition"

"he makes no name for himself
he withdraws from the world
verily, he cannot be uprooted; he is a hidden dragon"

yet he represents strength and firmness
he brings about peace on earth

he that is hidden
"must make himself strong in every way
by consciously casting out all that is
inferior and degrading."
who could, would
turn their back on

face to face
whose head would not drop
in awe
whose heart would not melt
face to face, with his love

that i might see the world
see my brothers, see my sisters
as Jesus does look upon

Thursday, August 23, 2007

i love your Knowledge
your Truth
forgive me, my ignorance
i can only ready myself
to receive
i do not Create

but keeping still produces
great power
holding firm stores creative power

"He is able to keep strength still;
this is great correctness"

"Holding fast to heavenly virtue,
is the prerequisite for innocence:
innocence is the indispensable condition
for being able to holdfast
to pristine heavenly virtue

in this one attains the way of heaven
everything depends on the power of personality"

"such a man is in harmony with heaven;
therefore even great and difficult undertakings

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

only spirit can help the world
only thru personal sacrifice
can spirit enter the world...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

security: the ability
"to give and receive love"
Deepak Chopra

Monday, August 13, 2007

'I leave with you my Peace.
I give unto you. not as the world giveth,
give I unto you. Let not your heart
be troubled, nor let it be afraid."
John 14:27

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

In the Brotherhood of Man
we are not true
unless we feel every-man's loss
as our own

it is in weakness (compassion)
that we are human
and that may be
what God loves about us Army Strong!
learn to kill, pillage and plunder...
come back home
and see if you can live
with what you've become
what you have done

Jesus to the soldiers:
"Do harm to no man."
Luke 3:14

Sunday, August 5, 2007

subtle and sublime
are the actions of the Creative
like a patchwork quilt
the pattern of which
can be seen only from afar

Sunday, July 22, 2007

children exist in another world
oblivious to our consensus reality

it is only little by little
piece by piece
that we wrest their paradise away
force them to accept our distorted projections

no wonder the rebelliousness of youth
we commit on them a sin comparable to rape
i owe a debt of deep gratitude
to the guardian angels, friends at northloop apt's
of some of their help i remember
but other i have learned only bits and pieces
for i was unconscious
but i think of the grace i have been shown
a deep thankfullness ...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

embrace the Monastic Way
singularity of purpose
Deep Anarchy beyond secular politics
a strict adherence to Holy Indifference
asking nothing refusing nothing
thru this practice
a transformation reveals itself
a journey from archetype to hardened reality
a monks vows of poverty, chasity, obedience

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

stop the talk, stop the thought
stop the incessant chatter
in your head
ease into oceanic awareness
no names, no reflections
just flow with deep tidal drifts

Saturday, July 7, 2007

seduced like a rainy day
yielding to the subtle energy
sublime in its power
transformative, archetype to material manifestation
let the rain pour

may desire become form
and substance
not escape the feelin
of a dark, lonely planet standing in its own shadow
stark in its own omnipotence
subtely provacitive , suggestive of The End Times
smelling of wet musk
evaporative signals activating grey brain matter
reptillian ancestory
cast in shades of grey...

hard reality LIVE EARTH
is the last will and testament
of a dying planet
what have we done
to the Garden entrusted to us?

raped and pillaged by halliburton
unleashing again, the evil powers of empire

even tho billed as LIVE EARTH
it seemed sometimes
as if it was the cathartic purging
of a dying earth, already...

in its death throes
i had company tonite
stayed up to watch LIVE EARTH
the kick-off from Australia
Al Gore proving he did invent the internet
nothing lke this since woodstock

its hard to believe
that two so opposite movements
LIVE EARTH and bush's neo-cons
culd coexist on the same planet

Friday, June 29, 2007

getting use
to waking the whole nite thru
greeting the morning sun
with a half-smile
knowing all the while
this day has no end

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Standing on the edge of darkness
i can see clearly now
it's my god
my god that have betrayed me
him that i have both adored and feared
wagered with satan
and like Job
betrayed, bartered me away
like so many cattle, sheep

"Oh baby, baby its a wild world..."
Yusuf Islam

Monday, June 25, 2007

in my dream
i conferred with the pattern-maker
no consensus emerged
save the spinning gyre
the bridge unfinished
form and substance only a desire

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I know of
a secret, sacred-place
tucked away amidst
the rocky outcroppings of distant hills
a beautiful stone grotto carved by Nature
lying beneath a shelf out-looking on a wondrous hollow...awaiting.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

In Stillness
there is a knowing.
beyond the parameters of reason
lies an instinctive certainty
unfounded, unbounded by ego's domain
herein we may rest
herein we may lie at ease
within the arms of Divine Providence

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"A Culture of Atrocity"
the battlefield is no longer about killing
there exists physical courage in battle
but not moral
MURDER has become the order of the day
665,000 innocent Iraqis have been murdered
out of vengeance, primal impulses
for which we have no reference
no preparation, the death of compadres in battle
raises a red/blind flag:
"War is always about betrayal
betrayal of the young by the old
of the idealist by the cynics
and of the troops by politicians"
indiscriminate murder...

only 1 of 8 iraqi children
live to age 8
the result of primal impulses gone awry

Chris Hodges,

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"War's Sacred Toll"
mosques cathedrals holy leaders
religious capitals, symbols

we are driving God from our world
lord have mercy, lord have mercy

James Carroll, The Boston Globe

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Your love, Power
is infinite
there are none you cannot save
no-one beyond your redemption
Your Love, Your Power
is infinite
Warriors, Priestess, Demons
and Dragons
None beyond your love
You are the One
the Beginning and the End
None beyond your redemption
Your love...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

"Those that dance appear insane
to those that cannot hear the music"

how tragic life becomes
when we turn our backs on soul
for without soul there is no life
just the endless functions of robotic repetitions

when you love
you may get hurt; don't stop
it gets only worse
when we don't hurt

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

not in muscle, tendon, sinew
or bone
does life reside
but verily life throbs
in the invisible, the intangible

might that i become a wolf
roamin wild and free
trottin with my nose in the wind
no greater heaven for me

Monday, May 28, 2007

ethical change
represents the most important increase of personality
"...he does away with what is false
preserves his integrity
labors at his task, fosters his character"
brings about real increase
thru receptivity to and love of the good
requires constant perseverance, steadfastness


Sunday, May 27, 2007

bathed in white light
i am made whole, at Peace
spirit infuses my being
physical materiality drains away
heart and mind are up- lifted
while i have yet to grow wings
i sense a new configuration
the world as we know it

mortality is the illusion
we best get it in overdrive
for the long run

Friday, May 25, 2007

with clarity and persistence
the light of love spreads
with clarity and persistence
that which was only an idea
an archetype
becomes reality

if all humans were angelic
what wuld be the result
if one or a dozen or more were angelic
what wuld be the result
wuld you risk the journey with me?
i'm not a cowboy
but i wish i was
i'm not a roughneck
but i wish i was
i'm not a carpenter
but i wish i was
ain't that life tho
not gettin what you want
that you may receive/know what you are
in-step with the tao
we wander thru invisible space
while the path disappears behind us
with each step we take...

watches dances with wolves
for the thirteenth time
if there were my ideal life
this wuld be it
live with the lakota sioux
learn and live their culture
in closeness to the land
in obedience to the great spirit
but this yearning takes me
outta the moment
it is a distant imagining
and as such does not serve the tao
so lets relegate it to the dream-state
thus preserving its and my integrity
it is a very soulful ideal
at once
both fulfilling and painful

i see you as god made you
i see you as you are
i see you in a way you may have forgotten
with the eyes of love
i see you as you are

Thursday, May 24, 2007

is my heart turning
my mind too
turning to what is higher
receiving the light
embracing the eternal
the true

women are my inspiration
women like mary magdalen
women like jessica and adrian
the sacred femmine lives
and i a willing disciple

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Spirit as Substantial Reality
rely upon it, draw from it
make it your foundation
and the well from which you drink

the hardest thing to accept
is that
Spirit is Substance
once that threshold is crossed
the miraculous becomes commonplace
i abandon you
you abandon me
the issue is...
not who is running to what
but from what are we running

if its love that we seek
running to and fro is not a strategy
love is the ability to stay..
love is not running
when every bone in your body screams, flee
love is found in the moment
the embrace of the eternal mystery

stillness in the midst of chaos

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

spirit is substance
not this mortal pain
this world of oppression
delusion, deception
within there is the divine spirit
subtle as it is
primal power sublime

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

whatever injustices exist in the world
what hatred, murder, abuse
are my fault
for what light i do not allow
to enter my heart
whenever i turn away from light
i allow these atrocities to take place
no evil can exist on its own
its volition is an act of omission
never turn away from light

don't waste time in any desire
except to will what god wills of us
what defines the rightness of any given path
is the sincerity of the path
by sincerity we are drawn, led to the truth
the path is self-emergent

thus, god is omniscient
he is every-where, ever-present
given innocence and devotion to the divine spirit within
we are ever in his hands

Monday, May 14, 2007

magnolia-blossom time
that deeply, sweetly- scented aroma
of heaven divine

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

my heart is touched
by certain characteristics, behavior
of women
it is at these times
that i at most feel
that i am a man
we must search our hearts
and rid ourselves of self will
so that immaculate conception can transpire

end inner conflict
by turning heart and mind
to what is higher

only a mind natural and true
unshadowed by reflection
is capable of following the law of heaven

an unsullied innocence
is attained
by devotion to the divine spirit within
and there-by it is innocence
that leads us to do right with instinctive sureness

its why we must be
to the divine nature of things
so as not to miss the divine hint
pregnant in the moment

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

"To gain that worth having
it may be necessary
to lose everything else"
Bernedette Delvin

why does the world stay the same
not change, not improve
because we love stable sameness
we cannot bare to let go
of comforting familiarity
there is a beauty in things as we know them
which is only to say
the world manifest, is beautiful
whether the same or undergoing revolution

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

from the heart of god
no rational/irrational brain chatter
just purity of heart
the imperative of creation
no mortal choice
just the heart of god

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

others wuld torture us
have us believe that seeing with light
is an illusion
in great pain the false admission
is twisted from us
but what is such "truth"
won in mortal weakness
mortality, the weakest link in the chain
mortality, that which god seeks to raise to divinity
the heart has reasons
that reason does not understand
everything happens for a reason
that may not always be known to us
but there is always a reason
and in the end
the reason will be found

Monday, April 30, 2007

Eagerly, i wish to march to the "front"
to spot the enemy
and un-leash all manner of destruction on him
the closer i get
the more i recognize the enemy
as my "self"

Saturday, April 28, 2007

the lure of the city
the temptation of Lucifer
obscure the blessings of the Lord
how can we be blind to El Capitan or the Grand Canyon
the city, itself, deceives
a means of social control
nature --a refuge for the soul

Monday, April 23, 2007

fate and fate alone
would bring the authenticity
of deep-love and cruel circumstances
back to back
great soul is amassed by such encounter
growth of the soul is inevitably painful

Friday, April 20, 2007

Divine Light, here and present
yet we have not eyes to see
what manner of light
which fills the heavens
there is a divine light
that occupies even the empty and black
regions of the universe
such as we imagine as "black holes"
where, in that, the heavens are filled
with a Radiant Light
that is nonetheless the self-same
as the Creator Himself
to imagine a condition or effect
seperate of the Heavenly Creator
is human-folly
it is the disease of the mortal mind
that projects its non-unified condition on heavenly creation
no greater folly has man
than to imagine that the projections
of his diseased mind are in themselves, absolute reality

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

who was it that adored the Christ
who was his favorite disciple
who understood his message beyond all others
who was it that washed His feet
with her hair and tears
who gave herself un-conditionally
to the Christ
who giving up her own ego
became the humble servant of the Son of Man

thoz things that erupt
from the unconscious mind
that are not tempered by light
are disruptive
not harmonious with universal love

it is necessary to delve into the unconscious
for growth, for evolvement
but we do so only with the shield of light
darkness snuffs out light
because it is a thieve, a liar
darkness has no power of its own
it exists only because of its parasitical relationship to light
we are as lambs among wolves
we must increase the power of light in our lifes

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

when confronted with evil
the proper choice
is to turn our minds away from things
which are not permanent

my heart yearns to love
passion only is no solution
i saw the look
that goes beyond all reason
i saw the look, soul-to-soul
the call to Nature's Child
not to freeze in fear
not to halt in trepidation
but to rush into the arms of love
embrace the eternal mystery, un-hesitantly
risk the miraculous
my heart hurts
32 love-lights slaughtered
in darkness, by darkness
my heart hurts, hurts

Monday, March 19, 2007

'tis a great rejoycing
when those who belong together come together
God' will has obtained

Saturday, March 10, 2007

we bomb mud-huts
drop one ton bombs on mud homes
the newly homeless, sit on their haunches
surveying the rubble
families adrift..
somewhere in Afghanistan...

Monday, March 5, 2007

we must awaken before we die
lest we never live again

Sunday, March 4, 2007

in this material world
it may be hard to grasp
that, persistence is substance

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Beyond words
there is an experience of unity, harmony, joy
beyond words
requires only that we forget
the historical accident
that is one's self

...there is a sacred thread
that runs thru our lives
but, it is beyond words